Refund and Return Policy


(Artkart |



We offer you an easy 7-day return policy if the following conditions are met:

All items should be returned in an unmarked, unused condition with the original packaging and original sales receipt.

If you have received a damaged or defective product or if it is not as described, you can raise a replacement request on our website within the applicable Return Policy period. In the rare event of the replacement being defective/damaged or not as described on the product page, a full refund will be provided once the product is received by us.

In the unlikely event that your order arrives damaged, please email us with a photo of the damaged merchandise at In order to be eligible for a return, you must notify us of the damage within 7 days of receiving the order.

After inspection, we will confirm whether the products are in an acceptable condition or not. Such as

  • Name/image/brand/serial number/article number/bar code should match and the MRP tag should be undetached and clearly visible.
  • The product should be unused, unwashed, unsoiled, without any stains and with non-tampered actual products.
  • The product should be undamaged without scratches, dents, tears or holes.
  • The product’s original packaging/box should be undamaged.
  • This confirmation will be sent to you within 7 working days after we receive the shipment.



Post the return, your refund will be initiated within 48 hours after the product has been picked up and passed through quality inspection.

For Prepaid orders, once a warranty claim is confirmed, you will receive the choice of:

  • Refund to your payment method
  • A replacement item to be sent to you (if stock is available)